
What is Retrofit?

Retrofit is the introduction of new materials, products and technologies into an existing building to reduce the energy needed to occupy that building. Retrofit is not the same as renovation or refurbishment, which often make good, repair or aesthetically enhance a building without aiming to reduce its energy use.”

Innovate UK 2013

How does it work?

A typical Retrofit project is split into 3 phases:

1. Pre-Assessment

2. Assessment & Design

3. Build

How can we help?

1. BPA.Lite (Building Performance Assessment.Lite)

  • A visual on-site assessment of the property along with a written report highlighting; areas of concern, potential solutions, product suggestions, cost of works estimate, potential annual saving estimate and room by room breakdown. Learn more

2. BPA (Building Performance Assessment)

  • A bespoke service including a selection of surveys, assessments and designs curated to equip the client with all the information they need prior to requesting formal quotations from building contractors for the Build Phase. Learn more

3. Build Only

  • Perfect for those clients who have done the research, know what they want and are ready to proceed with the Build Phase.  

Pick a date and time for a free initial consultation using our Calendly app